The Tale of Green Acres
Green Acres is a family owned and operated horse ranch. Our family has lived on the coast for over 35 years and we have always dreamed of a peaceful place for us to live with our horses. In 2008, my parents bought this majestic, wild property. As a family, we worked tirelessly for years to turn this dream into reality. My mom hand-tiled the floors in the upstairs house every night, as my Dad helped carry the water buckets back and forth. Everyday, my brothers and I moved gravel and dug holes for the fence posts for the horse paddocks. As the years past, my mom continued to listen to the land and enhance its natural beauty, until she found the perfect balance between untamed forests and groomed paths. When I fell in love and my husband and we decided to get married, we knew that the ranch was the perfect place for us to celebrate our future. This ranch is an essential part of our family's story and now we would like to invite you to become a part of the story as well.
In addition to wedding, Green Acres Ranch is also available for other events such as corporate parties, team bonding experiences, and retreats.